10 Tips To Get More Twitter Followers

Picture - Follow meIf a business or person is trying to get the word out using Twitter, but has few followers, it is going to be ineffective.

Read a Financial Advisor article written by Mike Byrnes, President of Byrnes Consulting, LLC, for his ten tips on how to get Twitter followers:

  1. Follow others
  2. Use hashtags
  3. Keep tweets short
  4. Broaden topics
  5. Cross promote
  6. Engage others
  7. Play favorites
  8. Create lists
  9. Ask for followers and retweets
  10. Be yourself and tweet

Follow @ByrnesConsultin and @AdvisorAdvice on Twitter for more helpful business-improving information.

Also, reach out to Byrnes Consulting, if you need help with your online marketing strategy.


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