PR and social media training

Picture - PR adviceMike Byrnes, President of Byrnes Consulting, spoke for the Financial Planning Association of Massachusetts on the topic of PR and social media.

Watch a handful of YouTube videos to learn about:

  • Benefits of PR – know how positive publicity can help your business
  • A digital footprint – understand how prospects and the media will do online research to determine if they want to work with you
  • Search engine pinball – realize how the referral model and the act of getting media appearances are both being impacted by search engine results
  • Twitter and the media – learn how to use Twitter to connect with the press

Also, read the article 5 PR tips for financial advisors covering the presentation.

Kevin Feehily, a consultant with Byrnes Consulting,  moderated an expert panel of advisors that shared their successful PR experiences, especially from being on the radio.  Read the Financial Advisor article Advisors Share Their Media Expertise covering the highlights of what was said.

To see pictures from the event, visit (and like) Byrnes Consulting, LLC on Facebook.

Need help with your online marketing strategy?  Reach out to Byrnes Consulting for assistance!

[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Benefits%20of%20PR%20(Media%20Training%20Conducted%20by%20Byrnes%20Consulting,%20LLC)”]



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