Watch a quick YouTube video with Stephen Selby, Director of Regulatory Services at LIMRA, and Mike Byrnes, President of Byrnes Consulting, discuss the 3rd annual LIMRA and LOMA social media conference. It was one of the best, if not the best, of its kind in the financial services industry.
Also, read Mike’s Financial Advisor articles:
How Well Do You Do Social Media?
The video creator of the internet hit, the “Social Media Revolution,” and author of Socialnomics and Digital Leader, Erik Qualman, gave tips on:
- listening online
- paying attention to your digital legacy
- being “flawsome”
- getting measured online based on things like influence
- staying ahead of the trends
What’s Your ‘Webutation’?
An expert panel discussed:
- advice on blogging
- using HARO for PR
- leveraging videos to effeciently service clients
- getting referrals with social media help
- utilizing your website to be a marketing machine
- knowing your internet image
LIMRA Tweets
Thirty different financial service tweeters shared great insight worth reading.
See some pictures from the conference on Facebook.
Need help building a winning social media strategy? Don’t wait to contact Byrnes Consulting!