Along with Richard B. Cheney, the 46th Vice President of the United States, Robert M. Gates, 22nd U.S. Secretary of Defense, and Dr. Jeremy J. Siegel, Professor of Finance at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Mike Byrnes, President of Byrnes Consulting, spoke at TD Ameritrade Institutional’s 2012 National Conference in Orlando, Florida.
Mike gave a presentation called, “Take Your Website to the Next Level” helping advisors understand why their online presence will be more and more important in the coming years.
Watch a handful of short videos on Byrnes Consulting’s YouTube channel to get insightful information on topics Mike discussed to assist the record number of attendees improve their online marketing to help drive more business:
- The importance of online marketing and “the zero moment of truth” (video length 1:26)
- The mobile website experience, trends in handheld devices and local search (video length 1:29)
- Improving your online presence to convert more leads (video length 1:27)
- Growth trends in social media (video length 2:14)
- Improve your search engine optimization (video length 2:14)
Read a Financial Advisor article written by Mike, called, “Social Media Talk Of TD Ameritrade Conference” to learn about:
- The business potential of the next generations
- LinkedIn profiles
- LinkedIn potential
- Twitter news and information
- Twitter hashtags and lists
- Social media archiving
- Videos
Want to see pictures from the event? Visit Byrnes Consulting’s Facebook page.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”The%20importance%20of%20online%20marketing%20and%20%22the%20zero%20moment%20of%20truth%22″]
Contact Byrnes Consulting to build a social media strategy that improves your online presence and delivers results.